Uxbridge Tube Station |
It’s been five months since my last trip to the ‘burbs and strangely I had really missed doing this walk. My original plan today was to walk the next section of the Sussex Coast Path, but a fire at Hastings Pier only a couple of days earlier actually put me off a bit. I had enjoyed looking at the pier only a few weeks ago and the thought of seeing the only just put out remains just seemed like voyeurism and I couldn’t bring myself to do it.
Crown and Treaty |
Now that autumn has really kicked in the thought of wandering along another section of the Grand Union Canal, as this section of the LOOP does for the first five miles seemed a lot more appealing. I once again parked in the centre of Uxbridge as further north I had heard about a huge jam on the M25 that I didn’t really need to get involved with. This also enabled me to get an earlier start on the walk as the public transport bit would be left to the end. From the shopping centre I headed down to the banks of the Grand UnionCanal, passing the Crown and Treaty pub as I did so. This Tudor looking building is just a lowly chain pub these days but it has a place in English history, for under a different guise it was the setting for some fairly tense negotiations between Charles I and Oliver Cromwell during the English Civil War in 1645. Perhaps unsurprisingly the treaty was doomed to failure with both sides feeling that they had the upper hand in the war at the time. It wasn’t too long before the inevitable happened to Charles I. No doubt Oliver Cromwell would be horrified at the current use of the building!
Lock Keeper's Cottage |
Just past the pub I was reunited with the canal at the Swan and Bottle pub and stood for a moment on the overbridge watching the delicate operation that is turning a canal boat. Fortunately there is a winding hole at this point, for otherwise the manoeuvre would be impossible. Once the turn was complete I lost interest and continued down onto the towpath. I immediately sensed that this was going to be a special day for walking since the weather was sunny and still and with virtually no flow on a canal, the surface of the water was almost like a mirror in places. Just north of the start of my walk I passed the first lock and point of interest when I passed by Uxbridge boatyard and lock in quick succession. My eyes were drawn to the lock keepers cottage, now a private residence and a great place to live if you are a boat spotter!
Demolition |
A little further on and another industrial relic wasn’t so lucky as a large demolition machine was in the process of dismantling the metal shed attached to one side using what I can only described as huge bolt cutters (great attachement by the way!). I stood and watched mesmerised for a few minutes, secretly wishing that I was actually taking part. If the canal hadn’t been there, who knows I might have asked for a go. Perhaps I need a trip to Diggerland one day?
Stern Wheeler |
The next half a mile or so I spent nosing at the various boats parked by the side of the towpath. Most were in very good condition with their beautiful liveries and some displaying business details that in some cases I wasn’t sure were current or historical! Some had very ingenious ways of ensuring that their owners had plenty of modern conveniences, including bicycles, small boats tethered alongside, satellite dishes and photovoltaic cells all attached to their boats. I also saw a pretty preposterous looking ‘stern-wheeler’ – never seen anything like that before! It’s a far cry from the basic conditions the canal boat owners from the 18th Century would have ‘enjoyed’.
Reflections |
I soon headed out of the built up area of Uxbridge and open countryside beckoned on the other side of the roar of the A40 Westway which passed above me. I soon realised that I would get some pretty good pictures of the canal today as the water was so still and the reflections were amazing. In this early part of the autumn it always surprises me how some trees have almost completely shut down and others still look green and thriving and both kinds were very much in evidence along this beautiful stretch of the canal. In the blackberry bushes alongside the spiders had spun hundreds of webs in order to catch the hapless insects that were still hanging around trying to feed on the last of the blackberries. It almost felt like Mother Nature cleaning up after the summer and getting ready for the winter hibernation.
Cobwebs |
I had to pinch myself that I was in Greater London, especially as the map showed an area of countryside scarred by gravel quarrying. Remarkably though the gravel pits have returned to nature and enhance the countryside – it shouldn’t be possible but what can I say? The canal seems a far from an industrial relic too and the stretch between Westway and Denham Lock is especially enjoyable. My peace and quiet was rather spoiled though by the ferocious looking guard dogs standing at the gate behind the lock keepers cottage at Denham Lock a little further on. I was just glad they were contained safely behind the gate, otherwise I think I would have made a dainty mid morning snack. I couldn’t help thinking that they might be set on customers of the tea room that now occupies the cottage if people don’t pay! At Denham Lock there was also the intriguing sight of the canal crossing the River Colne. I don’t know why these aqueducts are so interesting but there is something rather odd about water crossing water that I can’t quite get my head around.
Tea Anyone? |
A short while later and at the next bridge the path left the canal to take a course alongside a couple of lakes now filling former gravel pits. The origins of these beautiful lakes is amazing when you see how they look now – it’s as though they have been here forever. As I wandered along this stretch of the path I enjoyed looking at the various birds that call the lake home busily gathering nesting materials for their winter homes. The woodland floor was also littered with fungi, including a few fly agaric, the archetypal fairy mushrooms with their vivid red colour and white spots.
Fly Agaric |
At the top end of the lake I jumped out of my skin as a train went rattling past and I realised that I was approaching the former Great Central Line and now line to Birmingham via Chiltern Railways. I was also reunited with the canal at this point and the reflections of the viaduct in the water were truly amazing. Capturing them on camera wasn’t so easy though as I had to work my way through stinging nettles and brambles to get the right spot, so I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labour!
Autumn Tints |
On the other side of the viaduct another lake appeared and this time it was being used as a sailing and watersports centre although there was no life at all today, save for a grebe in the distance busily taking advantage of the quietness and gathering weed for its nest. Eventually at the end of the lake the path curved around and I soon realised why as I had reached Denham Boatyard, an enormous parking lot of canal boats, Yet despite all the shapes and sizes of boat on show it was the one nearest the path that caught my eye, the MSC Frodsham, which I understand now is a replica vessel based on the boats that used to ply the Bridgewater Canal in Cheshire. It seems to be a much travelled boat for I have since come across pictures of it in Gloucester, Shropshire and Wolverton.
Great Central |
For a short while I left canal behind as I rounded yet another gravel pit, this time set up as a delicious looking nature reserve complete with picnic area that definitely would have sparked my imagination. I wandered over to take a closer look at the lake and was delighted to find a red admiral butterfly sitting on a buddleia bush just begging to have its picture taken. Once I had a couple of shots it cleared off, heading off into the undergrowth in search of a more private spot. I soon became aware of some more unnatural looking wood next to me and as I traced it around I quickly realised that it was actually a canal barge that had been pulled up onto shore and left to rot and be absorbed by nature. Judging by the size of the trees that had taken root inside I am guessing that it had been there in excess of 50 years.
MSC Frodsham |
A little further on and I reached a road at the settlement of South Harefield. The nature reserve that I had been walking through had some pretty robust looking defences around the gateways, I suspect to help protect it from traveller and flytipping incursions. While I applaud these efforts, it is sad that the countryside surrounding urban areas has to be furnished with concrete blocks, bunding or metal gates in order to stop this anti-social behaviour. I was pleased to be reunited with the canal once again after this flirtation with normality.
Red Admiral |
I dropped down onto the canal by the Horse and Barge pub at Widewater Lock. The pub looked deserted today but its expansive size, together with plenty of additional facilities like kiddies playground and crazy golf course suggested that this might be quite a popular stop off point for canal boaters. The canal northward from here was very tranquil and quiet and I passed very few people for the next couple of miles. Each side of the canal was open countryside for the most part although on the western side I could see glimpses of yet more extensive gravel pit lakes. Every so often I passed the odd house and in one or two cases they came with very well tended gardens adding even more beauty to the scene. Most of the houses initially I guessed were canal workers houses, for they certainly seemed to be the right style and vintage. Just before the end of my canal part of the walk though it seemed as if a developer had finally woken up to the potential of the canal as an attractive place for housing as I passed a reasonably new development. Far from detracting from the attractiveness of the canal though it seemed as if many of the householders were also canal devotees for there were several boats moored outside what I took to be the house of the owner. I also suspect that the houses replaced some derelict canal based building, hence they were allowed to be built in what I am sure would otherwise be green belt land.
Returning to Nature |
At the rather cheesily named Coy Carp pub (which had some very strange looking cobwebs filling the area under the eaves by the way), I finally left the canal for good today. I was actually a bit disappointed for I had really enjoyed the Grand Union Canal both today and way back in May when I completed the last section. I can’t help feeling that sooner or later I may well be back to look at the rest of the canal (maybe as a bike ride?). I rounded a couple of roads, passing a fairly impressive looking mill building on the way and headed up the hill out of the Colne Valley. I couldn’t help but see the irony of a missing cat poster being affixed to the directional signage for a cattery and wondered whether the two were linked in some way?
Canal Cottage |
After passing the cattery (which was nestled in a cleared hollow in the woods and looked like a place that anyone would want to holiday) I climbed up through woodland that I took to be some ancient parkland that had been left to rack and ruin. I say this because alongside the path was some quite elaborate decorative iron fencing that had clearly seen better days and which only about 25% remained in situ. At the top of the hill the path levelled out and passed between a large allotment site and a large open site with planning permission signs affixed to the fence. Initially expecting that it was zoned for housing when I read through I saw instead that the locals had actually applied for village green status to preserve it as a public open space, an increasing practice in recent years.
New Neighbours |
I reached another road and passed by a pub that has now been turned into a children’s centre, although the style of the building still gave the game away as to its provenance. Even the old pub sign was intact at one end of the car park. From here the path then continued across several fields, unremarkable except that the maize crop in one had been left to rot and remained unharvested perhaps as a result of the wet weather we had during September. The worst part of the day came at the end of these fields when I had to walk about 500 metres along a very busy road with no pavement. There are fortunately very few sections like this on the LOOP but when they do come they make for nasty walking indeed. I was very pleased to see the footpath sign off to the left a few minutes and a couple of close shaves later. I passed along another path that had been securely fenced off from its surroundings for a short while before being disgorged into a huge field with a great view across to Moor Park golf course. I suddenly became aware of my feet getting a bit wet and realised that the grass in the shade was still damp with heavy dew that hadn’t yet seen the sun and not evaporated.
Grandeur |
Unlike previous correspondents that have complained about the lack of signage in these parts I could have no such complaints so far today, but I did discover a missing sign that almost cost me quite a lot of distance before I realised. Luckily the very obvious path that had been going forever forward seemed as if it might be heading in the wrong direction and sure enough I discovered that I was correct. Finding the true path seemed more difficult than I expected but I realised that I should have entered an adjacent wood. I wasn’t wholly sure though as it was a bit of a rough path and not what I had been used to, so you can imagine my relief when I finally found a LOOP sign once again.
Former Pub |
It wasn’t the only time I would be relieved as about 500 metres further on when the path threatened to become ever more swampy after the recent heavy rain, it suddenly detoured at exactly the right moment to avoid the worst of it entirely. The path through this part of woodland was much less well-defined though and I wouldn’t be surprised if many LOOP walkers have got pretty lost through here. I reached Betchworth Heath, a lovely little oasis sitting alongside a very busy couple of roads. The pond was not especially clean though – it looked like the rain had stirred up much of the pondbed, leaving the water pretty brown and murky.
Betchworth Heath |
The two pubs at Betchworth Heath couldn’t be more different. Ye Old Green Man is a pub that looks to have cleaned up on the catering trade, appealing to the well heeled. Just down the road though the Prince of Wales looks like a much seedier joint, confirmed by its rusty sign and the advertisements for strippers on one of the blackboards outside. I was pleased that my dalliance with yet another busy road was short lived and I soon found myself wandering down through an area of woodland. The path though had some strange piles of concrete paving slabs at various points on the way down, suggesting an unfinished civil engineering job. A little further on and there were excavations of a different nature as the path was completely filled with a very large and freshly dug burrow of possibly a fox judging by the size of it. After this surprisingly rural stretch through what appeared to be suburbia according to the map, I eventually hit houses and most of the remaining part of the walk was through salubrious suburbia and private estates.
Abandoned Project |
When I reached the tube line I was about to travel on I took the link path to Moor Park station. On one side of me I could hear the odd thwack of a golf ball, while on the other side was the Metropolitan Line to Watford and Amersham. Yet, between these distractions the little corridor of woodland that the link path travels through was alive with the sound of birdsong, more in keeping with Spring than Autumn. Yet, on such a fine day who wouldn’t want to sing about it?
Approaching Moor Park |
Moor Park station was a bit forbidding and had obviously been made very vandal-proof, slightly out of keeping with the setting that the station is in. I expected only a couple of minutes wait here for my train back to Uxbridge (via Harrow-on-the-Hill), but in the event I ended up waiting a lot longer than expected since there had been a breakdown further down the line. Surprisingly this was the first time that I had used the Underground network to get back to my point of origin. Not a good start!
Moor Park Station |
The public transport link is one of the easier ones in North London and this section was mostly a joy, especially the canal section. The latter half of the walk was less memorable and I’m hoping won’t be a common theme as I now strike eastwards across the top of London. I guess by the time I come back this way autumn may well be heading into winter…