Grindleford Station |
After our promising start on the Derwent Valley
Heritage Way we were eager to do another day. Being a Sunday it would
usually have been a bit of a problem with public transport but here in the Peak
District there are perhaps more buses available than any other day due to the
demand from hikers and other day trippers. Thus we managed to find a
fairly easy connection from Rowsley to Grindleford but only changing buses at
Bakewell and having a layover of about 10 minutes. The second part of the
journey was a particular treat as we got to sit upstairs at the front on a
double decker bus. The journey took about 50 minutes altogether and we
were able to get going reasonably early in the day.
Grindleford Church |
We wandered past Grindleford station cafe once
again and it was already busy. We weren't tempted though as we had
already had a big breakfast at our hotel. We retraced our steps back down
into the valley and were soon alongside the river once again. It was like
saying good morning to a friend! The first part of our walk resumed its
course through the woodland we had entered yesterday and although overcast the
breaks in the cloud suggested that we might be in for a better day and the
opposite of day 1 when we started good and went grey.
Horse Hay Coppice |
After a few minutes we left the wood behind and
our onward path crossed several fields before reaching the village of
Grindleford, which is about a mile from the station of the same name. On
our way through the fields the children had rather an amusing encounter with
the sheep we passed. A couple of them wanted to make friends and followed
us for some distance. Overhead we heard the call of a pair of buzzards
that were whirling around - not sure if this was a mating ritual or they were
hunting in tandem? Anyhow their call pierced the morning sky and was
pretty much the only sound we could hear in the very peaceful countryside.
Froggatt Tepees |
At Grindleford we crossed the main road and I
took a brief look at the church there before we carried on. Almost
immediately the character of the path changed once again. The path was
proudly announced at the beginning by one of the signs that were put out by the
Peak District and N C (Northern Counties) Footpaths Association. This one
dated from 1908. What followed was a delightful woodland walk through
Horse Hay Coppice at the foot of Froggat Edge. I have walked along the
top many times but don't really remember walking along the foot of the
Gritstone Edges. Although nothing like as dramatic as the cliff top walk
this route was perhaps just as enjoyable and I could see that a circular walk
incorporating both elements would be fantastic to do.
Froggatt Bridge |
The woodland was quite short lived and we soon
came upon the picturesque village of Froggatt after crossing a few
fields. Here we spotted a rather unusual looking tent over in the
distance - it looked like it probably belonged to scouts or guides but was a
pretty retro design. Along the short stretch of road we had to walk along
the houses all sported extremely well kept gardens and these were being lit
nicely by the emergence of the sun. At Froggatt we changed banks on the
Derwent, crossing via a wonderful old arched bridge. On the far side as I
went to look at the bridge more closely I spotted a grey wagtail right in front
of me on the bank. It hung around long
enough to tempt me into getting my camera out and ready then promptly flew off –
what a tease!
New Bridge |
Our path headed alongside the river until the
next bridge at Calver.
It was very
noticeable how much wider and less full of energy the river was now but this
was explained in part by a large weir ahead just in front of the latest
This powered an old mill, long
since retired from service.
The bridge
looked as if it had once been a toll bridge and now carries the redirected A625
This was once the ill-fated Mam
Tor road but has been rerouted along here to join another trans-Pennine route.
The old workers cottages alongside the bridge
were very beautiful – I wonder if the workers realised how sought-after their
homes would have been when they lived in them?
Water Board House |
Our onward route took us through some very shady
woodland and into a field of not just cows but a very large and healthy looking
We gave all of them a very wide
berth, especially when initially they looked like they were coming towards us
with a certain amount of intent.
there was no problem with the herd but it did cause a moment of hesitation –
you hear stories of other hikers having problems so always best to be wary I
We passed a small caravan site in
Curbar before passing the very large mill, which was open for approximately 150
years to spin cotton.
The impressive old
mill is 7 stories and must make for an impressive place to live in.
Sadly it isn’t possible to get a particularly
good view of it as the old place is surrounded by quite a lot of trees.
Calver Mill |
We crossed underneath another main road at this
point via a rather gloomy subway that seemed a little out of place here in the
countryside. We passed alongside a
housing estate and then it was back to the same pattern of crossing fields and
passing through small wooded areas alongside the river until we got to Baslow. Always pleasant walking we were surrounded by
the noises of sheep and overhead birds – mostly crows and the odd buzzard
rather than singing birds. The views
across to the Gritstone edges were splendid too now that we were a bit further
back from them.
Calver Gardens |
After a couple of miles we reached Baslow and
crossed the river once more when we got to the main part of the village.
On the far side of the little arched bridge
was a rather curious little turret – perhaps an ancient sheltering point?
Baslow itself seems a well-heeled village
with some good looking shops and houses especially by the church which was just
the other side of the bridge.
dog-legged through the village avoiding the main roads, which do rather spoil
the place a bit.
At the green at the far
end of the village we stopped at the café for a cup of tea and a bit of a
This was very welcome for all of
us for the overcast day that we had started out on was pretty warm now.
Heading Into Baslow |
Having refreshed ourselves we checked with the
girls that they still had the energy to complete the remaining 3-4 miles to
They were in uncharted
territory to a certain extent from here as up to now we had been mostly
limiting walks to 8 miles and we were already at that point.
Nevertheless they were keen to carry on and
so we proceeded into Chatsworth Park via a most unusual turnstile type gate.
This was designed to keep the deer from have
free right of access beyond the park.
Baslow |
Once inside the park we could quickly see that a
major event was in the process of being packed away.
There were still large numbers of tents
erected and a few refreshment vehicles and stalls being packed away.
I don’t know why but I rather suspected that
this may have been a religious gathering as the people were all better dressed
than you might have expected from a campsite.
They were tucked down one end of the park quite away from the main
house, which we could now see in the distance.
The park was busy as you might expect, not only from the crowd in the
tents but also associated with a cricket match taking place a little further on
and day trippers eager to take in the magnificent scenery of this iconic place.
Chartwell Tents |
Our path crossed the Derwent once again outside
the main house, which still belongs to the Duke of Devonshire.
It is probably the main tourist attraction in
all of Derbyshire and a mecca for many an overseas tourist.
We went ourselves a few years back and it is
definitely an amazing place well worthy of the attention it gets.
By now the big puffy clouds that had been
around for much of the day were replaced by wispy ones which seemed to suit the
landscape rather better.
The river was
rather a different kind of watercourse as it passed through the estate –
somehow tamer and definitely factored into the overall look of the park.
Away in the distance we could see a herd of
the deer that famously roam about the place.
I can remember being held up by these as I negotiated the road through
the estate a few years ago.
Cricket at Chartwell |
As we moved south through the park we gradually
climbed up and away from the river.
crowd soon thinned out until we reached a car park at the south end of the
park, which was enormously busy.
most of the people parking there were interested more in the farm shop than
walking our route and so we soon left them behind.
We headed through a beautiful little hamlet
that I suspect is owned by the Chatsworth Estate.
The gardens were exquisite in the few houses
were there and they seemed to be having a competition to see who could grow the
tallest sunflower.
With all the flowers
in the gardens and a few wildflowers in the fields beyond the houses were
attracting a lot of attention from the local insect life.
There were plenty of bees and butterflies
servicing the flora in this area.
Chartwell House |
Our onward route took us across a very large and
rutted field that wasn’t the easiest to walk across.
The miles had now caught up with the girls
and they needed a lot of sweet bribery to keep them going for the last mile or
so into Rowsley.
The weather had gone
full circle by now as the wispy clouds that we had seen earlier had now formed
a blanket layer across the sky and we were once again in overcast
As we entered the village we
crossed underneath the former Manchester to Derby railway line.
This is one of the few sections that isn’t in
active use as a transport link as this part is not cycle route as further north
nor preserved railway as further south.
The viaduct over the Derwent still looks in pretty good condition and I
suppose could carry trains again with minimal refurbishment.
To their credit Derbyshire County Council have
preserved the route of the railway in case it gets the go ahead to
It certainly looks like one of
the dafter decisions of the Beeching era.
Chartwell Estate |
Rowsley seems quite an agreeable place but sadly,
as with so many villages in the Peak District, it is rather spoiled by the
extremely busy main road passing through it (in this case the A6).
For us it was journey’s end and the prospect
of the long drive back to Sussex.
girls were justifiably proud of their day’s work as we completed 11 miles on
this section.
The variety of the route
was quite amazing too given that we followed the same river for only a few
I think all of us left wanting
more and very soon!
Rowsley Viaduct |