Colley Hill |
Our first outing of 2018 and a rare Sunday with good weather. We had to choose carefully as the wet weather has made many local places either unwalkable or at least unenjoyable because of the mud. It was a nice short one to cut our teeth on post Christmas and with a modest climb at the end to get our pulses racing a little. It is walk 2 in volume 65 of the Pathfinder Guide
Surrey Walks (also appears as walk 4 in volume 24
Surrey and Sussex Walks).
Reigate Hill |
We just about managed to park in the car park at the top of Reigate Hill - it seems as if a big chunk of Surrey had similar ideas to us. A little patience was required and we got lucky when someone pulled out just as we were about to give up. One of the big attractions of this car park is that the National Trust have set up a refreshment booth here - a most welcome facility at the beginning or end of any walk.
Reasonably Clean |
The first part of this walk is along the North Downs Way although in an unfamiliar direction to me as we headed west (for some reason I always think that downland walks should be W-E). It promised to be reasonably dry walking and largely delivered apart from a couple of mucky gateways. The start didn't bode well as the bridge over the A217 was probably the muddiest part of all! Luckily once we had negotiated that we had no further problems.
Reigate Fort |
Not far past the road bridge we passed by Reigate Fort. This is a surprisingly new installation, not being built for Napoleonic times as I first thought but in the last decade of the 1800s, during a lesser known period of mistrust between Britain and France. It was one of a dozen similar forts built along the North Downs to act as a strategic defence of London. This one has been restored in recent years and interpretive boards installed to tell the story of the place. The girls were anxious to move on so we didn't look around on this occasion - maybe next time.
Crash Memorial |
Our onward route took us through tracts of woodland with only occasional views south. One of the clearings had quite a poignant reason as it was created by an aeroplane crash during World War 2. All 9 crew on the Flying Fortress were killed on their return towards Northamptonshire from their mission in Germany. The crash is now commemorated by two replica wingtips placed at the exact distance apart that the real aircraft would have had.
Pillbox |
Further on through the woods and a further reminder of the war came into a view - a pretty substantial pillbox. I remember from walking this stretch of the North Downs Way a few years ago that pillboxes are quite thick on the ground in this part of Surrey. Not much further and we came to the most recognisable landmark on the route - the pavilion erected at the top of Colley Hill. This was originally built asa drinking fountain and bears the inscription
"Presented to the Corporation of the Borough of Reigate for the benefit of the Public by Lieutenant-Colonel Robert William Inglis in 1909". It certainly makes for a wonderful viewpoint both along the crest of the North Downs towards Boxhill and beyond but also across the Weald to Leith Hill and the Greensand ridge to the south. We could also see the planes taking off and landing at Gatwick beyond Reigate.
Colley Hill Pavilion |
At the end of this nice open stretch of the Downs we passed by a huge water tower. I'm guessing by the design that it was built in the 1930s - sure nothing would be built that ornate any longer. We also passed by an old coal tax marker - I remember this being wonky when I passed by about 12 years ago. Nothing has changed on that front! We then had to negotiate our way around the back of some houses before our stint on the top of the Downs came to an end for this walk.
Tree Skeleton |
One of the things I have always found surprising about the North Downs versus its southern equivalent is the number of houses that are built on the crest of the hill. There are a number along this stretch of the North Downs. I guess they take advantage of the sunny aspect and the fact that they are never likely to have anything else built in the way. For a walker though it is a little dispiriting as for quite long stretches all you get to see is back fences and parts of buildings (most of them are quite protective of their privacy as well).
Water Tower |
Having negotiated this last house we took the path down the steep slope almost to the very bottom. We had to watch our step as it was pretty slick. At the bottom we took a sharp left an took the parallel path along the foot of the scarp slope. For the most part this was through woods as well and views outwards were at a premium even with all the leaves gone from the trees. We did get the odd view up the slope and this demonstrated what a steep climb it was likely to be at the other end of the walk.
Wonky Post |
At the bottom of Colley Hill we passed by the remains of Hearthstone Mine. Hearthstone was a form of greensand that was very popular as a cleaning product back in Victorian times. The mine was unusual in that it also had a processing works on site as well although you would be very hard pressed to find much evidence of it now other than a few earthworks. Some of the buildings were destroyed by a V1 Doodlebug bomb in World War II. The mine limped on after the war for a time but succumbed to the inevitable closure in 1961. The mine entrance was then filled in by explosion.
Hearthstone Mine |
Our onward route was pretty mucky in places and a couple of times we had to take avoiding action to miss the worst of the mud. Eventually we reached the bottom of Reigate Hill on the A217. Just as we thought we might have to walk alongside the road an almost hidden path on the left took us up the hill away from the road. This was definitely a sting in the tail but all the way up I think the thought of the hot drink and bacon roll from the refreshment kiosk kept us going.
Reigate Hill |
At the very top of the hill we were reunited with the North Downs Way and retraced our steps the short distance past the old fort once again to cross the main road and find the car park. We had an enjoyable snack and drink and savoured the view across Reigate and beyond satisfied with our first outing of the year. This isn't a difficult walk but a perfect winter outing when energy levels are generally low.
Colley Hill |